Living in the Garden of Grace: Moving Temples of Life
The presence of the Holy Spirit within us is a reality that redefines our very existence. Paul’s declaration in 1 Corinthians 6:19—that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit—is not merely a statement of identity but a revelation of purpose. In the Old Testament, the temple was the sacred place where God’s presence dwelled. It was stationary, a fixed point where people came to encounter Him. But in Christ, God has made His dwelling within us, transforming us into moving temples that carry His presence into the world.
Ezekiel’s vision of a temple with a river flowing from its foundation, recorded in Ezekiel 47, pointed to the life-giving power of God’s presence. Everywhere the river flowed, it brought healing and renewal. When Jesus stood in the temple on the final day of the Feast of Tabernacles, He declared, “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:37-38). John clarifies that Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit, the very Spirit who now dwells in us as believers.
Unlike Ezekiel’s temple, which remained in one place, we are living, mobile temples, carrying the rivers of God’s Spirit wherever we go. Just as rivers carve pathways through the landscape, reshaping everything in their path, the Spirit within us moves through our lives, bringing the transforming reality of Christ to those we encounter. This is not the result of human effort but of simply yielding to the indwelling life of Christ, allowing His Spirit to flow unhindered through us.
Imagine a lantern being carried through the darkness. It does not struggle to produce light; it simply shines because of the flame within. In the same way, we do not strive to generate life-giving power—we simply walk in dependence on Christ, and His Spirit illuminates and refreshes those around us. The rivers of living water are already within us, ready to flow, not because of anything we do but because of who He is in us.
Practical Applications
Recognizing that wherever you go, you carry the presence of God transforms even ordinary moments into opportunities for the Spirit to move. There is no need to strive to make an impact, for His life within you is already flowing. The only hindrance is reliance on self-effort rather than resting in Christ. Trusting that God is using your life, not because of your abilities but because He dwells in you, allows you to walk freely in the assurance that He is at work.
Prayer of Trust
Father, we rejoice in the reality that You have made us Your dwelling place. Thank You that Your Spirit is not distant but alive within us, flowing like rivers of living water. We trust You to move through us today, bringing life to those around us, not by our efforts but by Your indwelling presence. As we go about our day, we rest in the truth that wherever we walk, You are at work. May Your life within us refresh the weary, encourage the discouraged, and draw others to Your love. Amen.
Final Thought
We are not vessels struggling to be filled—we are temples overflowing with the presence of the living God. As we abide in Christ, the rivers of His Spirit flow unhindered, bringing life wherever we go.
(Credit: Insights drawn from Living in the Garden of Grace, Moving Temples of Life.)