Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 5: The ministry of the Holy Spirit in counseling
The following post contains some highlights from the fifth lecture in the Solomon Lecture Series, presented by Pastor Stoney Shaw. The entire lecture series is available, here, at Grace Fellowship International.
Pastor Shaw notes that the focus of counseling must be Christ-centered, as many Christian counseling approaches do have a tendency to focus on psychology as the center or obedience to the Bible as the center. The bulk of this lecture discusses the need for the Holy Spirit in the counseling process, and although not explicitly stated, I am reminded of Dr. Solomon’s statement that the Holy Spirit is the counselor in the room. Pastor Shaw states that the empowerment of the Holy Spirit is necessary for counseling to be effective. Specifically, the counselor must be surrendered to Christ, understands his identity in Christ, and have appropriated the Exchanged Life. Pastor Shaw brought up the topic of non-organic versus organic mental illness He told the story of a schizophrenic that he met once. He asked the person if he is a born-again believer. The man said yes. Pastor Shaw told him that he can’t possibly have schizophrenia because he was a born-again believer and proceeded to demonstrate that through the deliverance of the person through Exchanged Life counseling. I will have to think about his statement regarding a born-again believer and schizophrenia. For the remainder of the lecture, Pastor Shaw went over theology of the Holy Spirit. He notes that the Holy Spirit is the Comforter and Helper and He is the Spirit of Truth, Faith, Grace, Holiness, Wisdom, Revelation, Power, Love, Discipline, Life, and Glory.