Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 17: The role of small groups

The following post contains some highlights from the seventeenth lecture in the Solomon Lecture Series, presented by Pastor Stoney Shaw. The entire lecture series is available, here, at Grace Fellowship International.

The following are highlights from Pastor Stoney Shaw’s presentation on the role of small groups in a church.

-       Small groups help lead to maturity in Christ. It’s a structure that serves people.

-       Pastor Shaw believes that you can’t do “growth” and “outreach” in the same small group.

-       He believes perfect community has been restored in small groups.

-       Small groups are modeled after New Testament house churches.

-       We are to be in mutually accountable relationships.

-       A Christian community is the body of Christ expressing the life and message of Christ, to build up one another, and redeem the world for God’s glory.

-       Spiritual gifts can be expressed in small groups and people are missed when they don’t show up. Their giftedness is missed.

-       He believes the small group is the optimal environment for life change.

-       Pastor Shaw believes a small group doesn’t exist for itself; it should grow and multiply.

-       He looks for maturity/growth in the group members.

-       There should be a purpose for the group … not about just gaining knowledge.

-       You can kill a small group by letting it become a therapy group. People can get addicted to the recovery process. It has a tendency to “stir up” the flesh if their focus is on their sin.

-       An example of a small group is a Bible study group where the purpose is to study Scriptures for a purpose: application and accountability. Purpose is key.


Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 18: Exchanged Life youth ministry


Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 16: Biblical exposition: How to abide in Christ