Look and Live

📖 "Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other."Isaiah 45:22

A man lost at sea, surrounded by endless waves and an unrelenting sky, can do one of two things—flail in panic, exhausting himself with futile effort, or lift his eyes toward the rescue ship already approaching. The choice is simple, yet many still refuse to look up, convinced they must save themselves.

Isaiah’s words call us away from self-reliance, exposing the foolishness of resisting the very One who holds all things together. Just as clay cannot dictate terms to the potter, neither can we reshape God's purposes to fit our preferences. The world urges self-sufficiency, yet history has proven that human wisdom alone leads to emptiness and despair.

The solution remains unchanged: Look to Him. Spurgeon, as a young boy, heard these very words and was transformed. His salvation came not from striving, but from turning his gaze upon the Lord. Today, the same invitation stands—an open call to abandon misplaced confidence in ourselves or the systems of this world, and to behold the only One who saves.


  • Are there areas in your life where you resist God’s shaping hand?

  • What might you be looking to instead of Christ for security or fulfillment?

  • How does resting in His sufficiency free you from striving?


Father, You alone are God, and there is no other. Thank You for revealing Yourself as our sure salvation, inviting us to turn and live. I rest in the certainty of Your perfect work, knowing that I need only to look to You. My life is securely in Your hands, and I rejoice in Your unfailing wisdom and love. Amen.

📷 Photo Credit: Unsplash
📖 Devotional Credit: Immeasurably More


My Response to His Ability


Do Not Fear, Trust in the Lord