Living in the Garden of Grace: Rest!

Reflections on David Kuykendall’s Living in the Garden of Grace

Finding Rest for the Soul
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

In these familiar words, Jesus offers a profound invitation to those weighed down by the burdens of life. But what kind of rest is He speaking of? It’s not merely physical rest but rest for the inner man—the soul.

Understanding Unrest
Why do we experience inner turmoil? While the causes vary, unrest often stems from striving in our own strength, misplaced trust, or resistance to God’s leading. At its root, unrest thrives when we attempt to live independently of God’s sufficiency.

Jesus offers the antidote: His rest. This rest isn’t achieved by human effort but received by entering into His yoke—a shared life with Him.

The Yoke of Grace
Jesus explains the pathway to rest in Matthew 11:29:
“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

  1. Taking His Yoke
    To take Jesus’ yoke means to align ourselves with Him, sharing His direction and pace. A yoke binds two together, allowing them to move as one. In this case, we are invited to move with Christ, ceasing our striving and trusting His guidance.

  2. Learning from Him
    Jesus invites us to learn from His example. He describes Himself as “gentle” and “lowly in heart.” These qualities provide the key to walking in step with Him:

    • Gentle (Availability): The word “gentle” here reflects a taming or yielding—a picture of complete availability to the Father. Just as Jesus submitted to the Father’s will, we too are called to yield ourselves fully to Him.

    • Lowly in Heart (Dependence): To be “lowly in heart” is to live in total dependence on God. Jesus’ earthly life was marked by complete reliance on the Father, and He invites us into that same dependent relationship.

  3. Experiencing Rest
    Jesus concludes, “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). The yoke of grace is not a weight to bear but a freedom to enjoy. When we walk in total availability to and dependence on the Father, we experience the rest our souls long for—a rest that flows from living in the abundance of His grace.

Practical Steps to Enter His Rest

  1. Recognize the Burden
    Take a moment to identify what is causing unrest in your life. Are you striving in your own strength? Clinging to your own plans? Trusting in something other than God?

  2. Come to Jesus
    Surrender your burdens to Him, acknowledging your need for His sufficiency. Ask Him to lead you into the rest He promises.

  3. Take His Yoke
    Commit to walking in step with Jesus. Let go of your agenda and embrace His. Yield your availability and dependence to the Father as Jesus did.

  4. Practice Rest Daily
    Rest is not a one-time event but a continual posture of trust and surrender. As you abide in Christ moment by moment, His rest will transform your soul.

“Lord, I acknowledge the unrest in my soul, and I surrender it to You. I long for the rest You promise. I take Your yoke upon me, committing to walk in step with You. Thank You for patiently teaching me to live in total availability and dependence on the Father, as You did. Thank You for the grace that brings rest to my soul. Amen.”

A Final Thought
Jesus’ yoke is not a burden but a gift. It aligns us with Him, freeing us from the exhausting labor of self-effort. When we walk in availability to and dependence on the Father, we find the rest that only His grace can provide.

Let us lay down our striving and embrace His invitation: “Come to Me… and I will give you rest.”


Living in the Garden of Grace: The Arms of Jesus


Living in the Garden of Grace: In All Things Give Thanks