Living in the Garden of Grace: God’s Inheritance

Inspired by the writings of David Kuykendall

When we think about inheritance in a spiritual sense, we typically focus on the inheritance we receive from God—His blessings, promises, and eternal life through Christ. But have you ever considered that you are God’s inheritance? This truth is beautifully expressed in Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians:

“… that you may know… the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints” (Ephesians 1:18b).

This verse invites us to reflect on the fact that we, as believers, are of immense value to God—not because of what we can accomplish for Him, but because He has chosen us as His vessels to express His righteousness and love to the world.

God’s Inheritance in Us

It’s easy to feel unworthy when we think of ourselves as God’s inheritance. Yet, Scripture reveals that He treasures us not for our abilities or achievements but because we provide Him with an opportunity to live through us. When we yield our lives to Him, He expresses His righteousness visibly and audibly through us, glorifying Himself and blessing others in the process.

The final command for living by grace underscores this truth:

“… [present] your members as instruments of righteousness to God” (Romans 6:13).

Our value to God is not measured by self-effort but by our willingness to allow Him to work through us.

Living as God’s Inheritance

Living as God’s inheritance means walking in grace, yielding our lives to His control, and allowing His Spirit to produce His works through us. This is the exchanged life: Christ living His life in and through us. When we understand this truth, we begin to experience:

  1. Glory for God: As God expresses Himself through us, His character and nature are revealed to the world, bringing Him the glory He deserves.

  2. Fulfillment for Us: When we walk in grace, we find true fulfillment—not in striving to achieve but in resting in Him as He works through us.

  3. Blessing for Others: God’s righteousness, expressed through our lives, becomes a source of blessing and encouragement to those around us.

A Life Yielded to God

As God’s inheritance, we are His instruments for righteousness. This requires surrender—yielding our bodies, minds, and spirits to Him daily. The Apostle Paul beautifully captured this in Galatians 2:20:

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

When we allow Christ to live through us, God’s purposes are fulfilled, and our lives bring Him delight and glory.

Reflection and Prayer

  • Do you see yourself as God’s inheritance, valued for His purposes rather than your own abilities?

  • Are you presenting your life to Him daily, allowing Him to express His righteousness through you?

Father, thank You for the unimaginable privilege of being Your inheritance. I confess that I often strive to find my worth in my own efforts, forgetting that my value lies in Your desire to live through me. I yield myself to You afresh today. Use my life to glorify Yourself, to bring fulfillment to me, and to bless those around me. May my life be a living testimony of Your righteousness and grace. Amen.

A Final Thought

When we walk in grace, we allow God to receive the full value of our lives—not because of what we do, but because of who He is in and through us. Embrace this truth, and experience the joy of being God’s inheritance, created to reflect His glory.


Christ-Filled: Living in the Fullness of Jesus


Living in the Garden of Grace: Patience – A Gift, Not a Goal