Life and Peace: The Path of the Spirit
"Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." (Romans 8:5-6)
Every day, we stand at a crossroads. One path leads to self-reliance, self-focus, and self-determination—the way of the flesh. The other path leads to dependence upon the indwelling Spirit of Christ, setting our minds on what He desires to accomplish in and through us. The contrast between these two ways of living could not be more extreme. To walk according to the flesh is to experience a form of spiritual deadness—weariness, striving, frustration, and ultimately, emptiness. But to walk by the Spirit is to experience life as God intended—marked by His peace, His sufficiency, and His vitality.
The difference is not in our external circumstances but in the source from which we draw. A tree standing in a dry, barren land will wither if its roots reach only into the surface soil. But one whose roots sink deep into an underground stream will thrive, no matter how harsh the conditions above. So it is with us. The flesh draws from what is shallow and temporary, seeking fulfillment in personal ambition, external validation, or religious performance. But the Spirit draws from the deep well of Christ’s indwelling presence, producing love, joy, peace, and all the richness of God's life within us.
God has made this simple: there are only two choices. We either set our minds on the things of the flesh or the things of the Spirit. There is no middle ground. When we yield to the Spirit, we experience true life—life that flows from Christ within. And with that life comes peace, a restfulness that surpasses circumstances. This is not something we achieve but something we receive, simply by turning our hearts toward Him in trust.
Prayer of Confidence
Father, You have given me everything I need for life and godliness through Christ who lives in me. Today, I set my mind upon You, trusting that as I yield to Your Spirit, Your life will be expressed through me. Thank You for leading me in the way of life and peace, drawing me ever deeper into the fullness of Christ. I rejoice in the sufficiency of Your presence. Amen.
Devotional Credit: Day by Day by Grace
Photo Credit: Unsplash