The Devotion of Hearing

📖 "Speak; for Thy servant heareth." — 1 Samuel 3:10

Oswald Chambers reminds us that hearing from God is not an occasional event but the natural result of an intimate life with Christ. The closer we abide in Him, the more we recognize His voice—not just in the grand moments, but in the quiet whispers of everyday life.

Many believers desire to hear from God, yet they fill their lives with so much noise that His voice becomes indistinct. It’s not that He is silent, but rather that our hearts are distracted. Even good things—ministry, service, study—can dull our spiritual ears if they replace devotion to Christ Himself. When our attention is divided, we may even miss His direct commands, not out of defiance, but out of inattentiveness.

Imagine a musician tuning an instrument in a noisy room. The true note is always there, but unless the musician silences the distractions and listens carefully, the melody remains unclear. So it is with the voice of God. His Spirit speaks, but are we attuned to Him? Or are we absorbed in the lesser sounds of life?

Christ has given us His indwelling Spirit so that we may walk in constant fellowship with the Father. This means hearing from Him is not a rare privilege but a present reality. As we yield to His life within us, we cultivate the childlike posture of Samuel, who did not assume what God wanted—he simply listened.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Are there distractions in your life that make it difficult to hear God’s voice?

  2. Do you approach each moment with an openness to what He is saying?

  3. How does the reality of Christ’s indwelling presence shape your devotion to hearing?

Prayer of Confidence:

Father, I thank You that You are always speaking and that, in Christ, I have ears to hear. I rest in the truth that You lead me moment by moment, guiding me into all truth. My heart is set on You, and I trust that You will make Your voice clear as I walk in fellowship with You. You are not distant or silent; You are present and faithful. My life is Yours, and I delight in listening. Amen.

📸 Photo by [Unsplash Photographer]
📖 Devotional Credit: My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers


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