Indwelt to Be Filled

"But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you." (Romans 8:9)

The moment we were born again, God placed His very Spirit within us—not as a visitor, but as a permanent resident. This is not a feeling to be chased or a sensation to be measured. It is a truth established by the unchanging Word of God. Whether or not we perceive His presence at any given moment, the reality remains: the Holy Spirit dwells within us.

Yet, there is a distinction between being indwelt by the Spirit and being filled with Him. Indwelling is His gracious gift at salvation—permanent, irrevocable, and independent of our emotions. Being filled, however, is the outworking of His presence through a yielded vessel. Others recognize the filling of the Spirit not by dramatic manifestations but by the steady, growing reflection of Christ in a life surrendered to Him.

A deep-sea reservoir holds an unfathomable supply of water, but a well only benefits from it as it remains open and unobstructed. Likewise, the Spirit dwells in the depths of our renewed spirit, but His life fills our mind, emotions, and actions as we yield in trust, moment by moment. If we resist, attempting to live by our own wisdom, we restrict His flow. If we rest in His indwelling presence, counting upon His work in and through us, His life will manifest, transforming us into a testimony of His grace.

Prayer of Trust
Father, I rejoice in the truth that Your Spirit dwells within me. You have already given all I need for life and godliness, and I rest in the certainty that Your presence is active even when I do not perceive it. I choose to yield my thoughts, desires, and actions to You, trusting that Your Spirit is at work in me, shaping me into the image of Christ. Thank You for the quiet confidence that You are faithfully working from the depths of my spirit outward, making known the life of Your Son in me.

Final Thought
The Holy Spirit’s indwelling is a settled reality; His filling is an ever-deepening experience as we yield to His life within.

Devotional excerpt from Abide Above, featuring A.M. Photo credit: Unsplash.


Indwelt to Be Filled: The Artesian Well and the Overflowing Fountain


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