Heart of the Matter

“That I may know Him” (Philippians 3:10).

Immaturity seeks relief; maturity seeks Christ. The natural mind cries out for rescue, but the spiritual mind rests in the assurance of His presence. “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). Growth in grace brings us to a place where knowing Him is greater than merely escaping difficulty.

We often long for the hand of God to remove hardship, yet He offers something infinitely greater: the fellowship of His heart within it. The restless soul pleads for deliverance, but the yielded heart embraces the deeper reality—Christ Himself is the truest consolation. As today’s Abide Above devotional reminds us, “The same faith that sees glory for us at the end of the path sees God for us all through the path.”

Picture a traveler scaling a mountain. A novice fixates on the difficulty of the climb, longing for the summit. But the seasoned mountaineer knows that every step, every challenge, is part of the journey, making the final view all the more magnificent. So it is with suffering—it is not a barrier to life in Christ but the very place where His presence is made known.

Faith does not measure our strength against the trial; it sees the trial against the backdrop of God’s greatness. “For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ” (2 Cor. 1:5). When we embrace this truth, we no longer seek escape—we seek Him. And in finding Him, we lack nothing.

Prayer of Confidence

Father, I rejoice in the unshakable truth that You are with me. Your life within is my sufficiency, Your presence my peace. Whether in ease or in trial, I rest in the certainty that You are working all things for good, shaping me in the image of Christ. Thank You for being more than enough. Amen.

Final Thought: The greatest consolation is not found in the absence of trials, but in the nearness of Christ within them.


Strength in the Grace of Christ


The Sovereignty of God Over Human Affairs