The Spirit Who Rests Upon Us

“A Branch shall grow out of his roots. The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.” (Isaiah 11:1-2)

Isaiah’s prophecy about the Messiah reveals a profound truth—not only about Jesus but also about how we, as believers, are to live. The Spirit of the Lord rested upon Jesus, empowering Him with wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and reverence for the Father. The same Spirit now indwells us, making these very attributes available to us as we yield to His life within.

Jesus, though fully God, lived as a man dependent upon the Holy Spirit. He displayed divine wisdom in every conversation, silencing accusers without malice and offering life-giving truth to the weary. His understanding was never clouded by human bias; He saw the heart. His counsel was perfect, meeting each person at their deepest point of need. His might was displayed not just in miracles but in the divine strength to endure rejection, suffering, and the cross itself. His knowledge was limitless, yet He walked in reverent submission to the Father, never acting independently.

All that Christ expressed was through the Spirit resting upon Him. And now, this same Spirit resides in us—not to help us become better versions of ourselves, but to manifest the very life of Christ through us. As we abide in Him, He expresses His wisdom, discernment, power, and reverent trust in the Father through us, just as He did when He walked this earth.

Imagine a masterful musician playing a beautiful instrument. The instrument does not strive to produce music—it simply allows the musician to bring forth melodies through it. Likewise, we are designed to be vessels of the Spirit’s life, responding to His indwelling presence rather than striving in self-effort.


Father, thank You for the Spirit who rests upon us as He did upon Christ. In Christ, You have already supplied wisdom for our decisions, understanding for our challenges, counsel for those we meet, and strength for every moment. You have given us knowledge of Your ways and a heart to walk in reverent trust before You. We rest in this reality, knowing that as we yield, You bring forth all that is needed. May the life of Christ be seen through us today. Amen.

📷 Photo by Unsplash
📖 Devotional Credit: Day by Day by Grace


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