Fresh Every Moment: Living by the Spirit's Life

Inspired by Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost for His Highest"

"Jesus answered, 'Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.'”
John 3:3

The life of the Spirit is not a one-time event—it’s a continual, eternal beginning, a fresh fountain of life that never runs dry. Jesus described it as being “born again,” a mysterious and surprising work of God. Much like the wind that moves where it pleases, the Spirit’s renewing presence breathes life into our days, thoughts, and actions.

Yet, how often do we find ourselves raking through the stale remnants of our own strength, trying to "get through" rather than living in the freshness God has already provided? Staleness often creeps in when we depend on ourselves—on routines, feelings, or even others—rather than on the Spirit’s moment-by-moment sufficiency.

The Well of Living Water

Imagine a traveler in a vast desert, trudging forward with a canteen of water that ran out miles ago. Each step becomes harder as thirst grows unbearable. Suddenly, they stumble upon a spring of fresh water, bubbling up from the ground. How foolish would it be for that traveler to keep walking, parched and weary, ignoring the spring? Yet, how often do we live as if we’re spiritually parched, while the Spirit within us overflows with living water?

This spring of life is ours because we’ve been born again. The Spirit doesn’t just revive us once; He is our constant source of renewal. When we feel weary, it’s not because He has failed to provide—it’s because we’ve forgotten to drink.

A Perpetual Beginning

To be born again means to live with perpetual newness, a continual openness to Christ. Obedience keeps us aligned with Him, but the source of our freshness is His Spirit, who empowers and sustains us. If we’re drawing from any other source—be it our effort, approval from others, or fleeting comforts—we will grow stale and disconnected.

When staleness begins to set in, let us remember: the Spirit’s life is always available, always flowing. Just as Jesus prayed for us to remain one with Him, we are invited to live with nothing between us and Christ, continually refreshed by His indwelling presence.

A Prayer of Confidence and Trust

Thank You for the unending life You have given us in the Spirit. We trust that You have provided everything we need for each moment, and we choose to draw deeply from Your living water. May we walk with the awareness that Your life within us is fresh, constant, and overflowing. We rejoice that we never need to depend on ourselves, for You are our eternal source. In Christ’s name, Amen.

Final Thought

When we live by the Spirit, every task—whether grand or small—becomes infused with His life. We are refreshed not because we strive, but because He lives in us. Let us guard our connection to Christ and drink deeply of His Spirit, moment by moment, day by day.


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