Be Filled in Spirit: Experiencing Christ’s Shining Life

Bill Freeman’s The Supplied Life offers a deep reflection on Ephesians 5:18: “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled in spirit” (NASB). This verse, packed with spiritual significance, calls believers to experience the fullness of Christ through the continuous filling of the Spirit. Freeman’s insights into the grammar of this verse reveal the means by which we can live in the shining presence of Christ daily.

A Command to Be Filled

Paul’s exhortation in Ephesians 5:18 is striking. The verb "be filled" is:

  • Present tense: Indicating an ongoing, continuous experience.

  • Passive voice: Suggesting that we are the recipients of this filling—something beyond our own efforts causes it.

  • Imperative mood: Signifying a command for every believer.

At first glance, this command may seem unattainable. We might associate being “filled in spirit” with moments of inspiration, strong emotions, or extraordinary spiritual experiences. However, Paul doesn’t point to feelings or heightened spiritual states as the means of being filled. Instead, he provides a practical, ongoing pattern for walking in the Spirit.

The Means of Being Filled in Spirit

Freeman highlights that the secret to being continuously filled in spirit lies in the participles that follow in verses 19–21 of Ephesians 5:

  1. Speaking: Engaging in fellowship by speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. This mutual encouragement draws us into a shared experience of the Spirit’s life.

  2. Singing: Offering our hearts to God through melodies. Singing isn’t just an act of worship; it’s a means of realigning our spirit with the joy and presence of Christ.

  3. Psalming (Making Melody): Allowing the Word of God to inspire worship from the depths of our spirit, creating harmony between God’s truth and our response.

  4. Giving Thanks: Gratitude acknowledges God’s provision, shifts our focus from self to Him, and fosters a heart posture that invites His filling presence.

  5. Submitting: Living in humility and mutual deference, reflecting Christ’s sacrificial love and fostering unity within the body of Christ.

These actions are not merely outcomes of being filled; they are the very means by which we experience the filling of the Spirit. As we engage in these practices, we open ourselves to the ongoing, transformative work of Christ in us.

Christ Shining in and Through Us

Paul’s earlier words in Ephesians 5:14—“Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you”—underscore the outcome of being filled in spirit. The more we allow the Spirit to fill us, the more Christ’s life will shine through us. This is not about striving for perfection or chasing spiritual highs; it’s about participating in the simple, God-given means of worship, gratitude, and humility.

A Practical Challenge

As we reflect on this passage, let’s consider how we can actively practice these participles in our daily lives. Are we speaking words of encouragement to fellow believers? Are we lifting our voices in song, even in private moments? Do we take time to thank God, even in difficulties? Are we cultivating humility and submitting to one another in love? These small, practical steps invite the Spirit to fill us continually and allow Christ’s life to shine through us.

A Prayer of Gratitude

Lord, thank You for the gift of Your Spirit and the simple yet powerful means You’ve given us to be filled in spirit. Thank You for speaking, singing, giving thanks, and submitting as pathways to experience Christ’s shining life within us. May we daily walk in the joy of Your presence and reflect Your light in all we do. Amen.


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