Fixing Our Gaze: Personal Attention in Christ
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Ephesians 1:3a)
The measure of our growth comes from where we fix our gaze. When our focus rests on Jesus, everything else in life—its joys, trials, and uncertainties—finds its proper place. This truth takes on deeper meaning when we witness someone living it out so faithfully, even in life’s hardest moments.
A dear brother in Christ, Dr. Stephen Manley, who has been a treasured influence in my journey, is now walking through a season of great suffering. Recently diagnosed with brain cancer in his 80s, he remains steadfast—living as he always has, a lifelong preacher of the gospel with an unwavering focus: fixing his gaze on Jesus.
In a message he recently shared, he wrote of his nightly preparation for sleep—not as a time to dwell on fear or despair but to meditate on “the two nail-scarred hands of Jesus holding his cancer-filled head.” He wasn’t asking for healing, though that would have been understandable. Instead, he longed for Christ’s presence to meet him in the night. He called it “merger”—a joining of his heart with the heart of Jesus, a deep surrender beyond words or symbols.
Even now, as he walks through the valley, his focus remains unchanged. Hearing those words took me back nearly thirty years, to when I first heard him preach on the vital importance of fixing our gaze on Jesus alone. It was a message that pierced my heart then, and it still rings true today.
A Singular Gaze That Sustains Us
Miles Stanford’s Abide Above devotional for today reminds us of a simple but life-changing truth: growth doesn’t come from what we renounce or endure—it comes from who we are captivated by.
"Look at the Lord Jesus firmly and fixedly, never letting your gaze wander elsewhere... Whatever condition you find yourself in, do not let either earth or heaven hide Him."
Brother Manley’s message and life echo this truth powerfully. In suffering, his eyes are set on Jesus. In weakness, he leans into the strength of the Savior’s hands. No matter the season or circumstance, his heart is captivated by Christ, unwavering and steady, reflecting a life fully anchored in Him.
Decades ago, I was reminded by his preaching that we cannot live by our own strength, no matter how hard we try. Jesus alone is the fountain, the source of all life and hope.
Jesus, the Fountain of Life
The devotional puts it plainly: "You are unable to live out of resources in yourself; the Lord Jesus must be the fountain."
For this brother, Jesus has always been that fountain. Whether in health or suffering, his life has been marked by a trust that defies circumstances. And I am challenged by his example even now.
How often do we let distractions, fears, or even the good things of life cloud our view? How often do we focus on ourselves, our weaknesses, or our troubles instead of fixing our eyes on Jesus?
Yet, when we set our gaze on Him—no matter the storm—everything else fades into its proper place. Jesus becomes our peace, our strength, our very life.
A Gaze That Redeems Our Pain
Dr. Manley’s words, spoken in such a tender moment, remind me of the beauty of surrender. He longs to know Jesus more deeply through this trial, and his message to us is simple: Don’t look away.
Paul wrote in Colossians 3:2-3, "Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God."
The truth is, when we fix our eyes on Jesus, suffering no longer has the final word. The pain may still be there, but it becomes a gateway—a doorway into deeper intimacy with Him. Even the darkest nights become moments where we find ourselves held in His nail-scarred hands.
A Reflection of Gratitude
As I write this, I am struck again by the impact this dear brother has had on my life. He preached Christ alone, and he lived it. Even now, as he walks this difficult road, his focus on Jesus inspires and encourages me.
If you find yourself weighed down by life—by suffering, fear, or distraction—let us take his example to heart. Fix your gaze on Jesus. Let His presence carry you. There is no mist so thick, no night so dark, that He will not meet you there.
A Closing Prayer
Lord Jesus, You are the fountain of life, the source of all peace, strength, and hope. Thank You for holding us in Your nail-scarred hands, even in our moments of greatest weakness.
Today, I thank You for the life of Dr. Stephen Manley—a man whose singular gaze on You has changed so many lives, including mine. As he walks this valley, may Your presence be more real to him than ever before.
For all of us who read this today, our desire is to fix our eyes on You, no matter what we face. Let us not be consumed by the distractions of life but captivated by You alone. You are enough. You are our peace. You are our life.
In Your precious name, Jesus, Amen.
A Call to Reflection
Are you weighed down by fear, suffering, or the demands of life? Take a moment today to stop and fix your eyes on Jesus. Don’t let the mist of your circumstances hide Him from view.
Where do you need to experience the “merger” of your heart with His?
You are not alone. You are held.
[Click here] to discover more about the inspiring journey of Dr. Manley and his wife, Delphine, as they lived out their faith in Christ.