Defective Beginning: The Need for Full Assurance in Christ

Credit: Insights from Abide Above | Photo Credit: Unsplash

A secure foundation is necessary for steady growth. Many believers struggle with entering into the full reality of their new life in Christ because they are unsure of their salvation. They may acknowledge the forgiveness of their sins but hesitate to rest in their full acceptance in Christ. This uncertainty stunts their spiritual growth, leaving them unable to walk in the victory of Romans Six and Eight because they have not fully grasped the certainty of Romans Three, Four, and Five.

Imagine a builder attempting to construct a house on shifting sand. No matter how carefully the walls are placed or how well the roof is fastened, the foundation’s instability will eventually cause the structure to falter. In the same way, if our spiritual foundation is shaky—if we question our acceptance before God—our ability to live in the freedom and victory of the Spirit will always be hindered.

God’s acceptance of us is not based on our performance but on the perfect work of Christ. He has fully and finally dealt with sin through the cross, and He welcomes us on the basis of His Son’s finished work. This means our standing before Him is unshakable. We are not just pardoned; we are fully received in Christ. The moment we rest in this truth, the door opens for deeper intimacy with Him, for only in Christ can we truly live by the Spirit and experience the freedom He has given us.

“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2).

Prayer of Confidence

Father, we rejoice in the unshakable foundation of our acceptance in Christ. You have not only forgiven us, but You have received us fully in Your Son, and we stand in Him—secure, loved, and free. Thank You for making this reality ours, for placing us in Christ where there is no condemnation, no striving for approval, and no fear of rejection. Today, we rest in the freedom You have already given, walking by the Spirit in the confidence that we are forever Yours.

Final Thought

A believer who doubts their acceptance will always struggle to live in the fullness of the Spirit. But the one who knows they are fully received in Christ walks in the joy and liberty that God intended. Rest in His acceptance, for in Christ, you are home.


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