Days of Heaven
But I consider my life of no value to me, if only I may finish my course and complete the ministry I have received from the Lord Jesus—the ministry of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. — Acts 20:24 BSB
Charles Spurgeon once wrote, “The best evidence of God’s presence is the devil’s growl.” It’s a striking truth that has upheld many of God’s children in their fiercest battles. The enemy does not waste his energy on what does not threaten his kingdom. When he stirs, it is often because the light of Christ is advancing through us.
Scripture paints this picture clearly. As soon as David was crowned king at Hebron, “all the Philistines came up to seek David.” The anointing he had long carried was now manifest in his position, and opposition arose immediately. The enemy is always eager to challenge what God has established, but his aggression is no measure of defeat—it is a signal of impending victory.
Think of an archer drawing back his bow. The greater the resistance, the farther the arrow will fly. What seems like opposition is often the very force God uses to propel us forward. The friction, the battle, the enemy’s schemes—none of it is wasted in His hands. What was meant to weaken us is transformed into the proving ground of God’s faithfulness.
So when resistance rises, we do not shrink back. We press on, not in our own might, but in the unshakable confidence that Christ lives His life through us. Every battle faced in His strength is already won.
Father, You have set the course before us, and You have supplied everything we need to walk in victory. When opposition comes, we stand firm, knowing that nothing can thwart Your purposes. Every trial, every attack, every scheme of the enemy is already subject to Your sovereignty. We move forward with boldness, trusting You to accomplish Your work in and through us. In Christ, the battle is already won. Amen.
Credit: Days of Heaven
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