Living by Faith, Growing in Grace

"The just shall live by faith…So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God…I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him."
Romans 1:17; 10:17; 2 Timothy 1:12

The Christian life is not a matter of human effort or passivity but of confident trust in the One who is faithful. From the moment we first believed, every step forward has been designed to be taken by faith—faith that accesses the endless riches of God's grace. Trying harder does not unlock His grace, nor does sitting back in resignation. But when we rely upon Him, whether through action or patient endurance, He works in and through us as only He can.

Yet faith is not something we manufacture. It is cultivated through knowing the Lord—through hearing His voice in His Word, through seeing His faithfulness in our daily lives, and through experiencing His sufficiency in our weakness. As we listen to His truth, illusions fade, fears are replaced with confidence, and we are drawn into deeper dependence upon Him.

Paul’s testimony reflects this reality: "I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him." His faith was not rooted in self-determination but in an ever-growing assurance of Christ’s trustworthiness. The more he walked with the Lord, the more he knew Him, and the more convinced he became of His ability to hold all things together.

Imagine a mountain climber scaling a sheer cliff. The harness and rope securing him are his only hope of safety. He does not test their strength by mere analysis; rather, his confidence grows as he trusts them in each ascent. Likewise, faith is not theoretical—it is built as we entrust each step of life to the Lord, proving His faithfulness time and again.

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. The more we abide in His Word, the more we know Him. The more we know Him, the more we trust Him. And as we trust Him, we experience His unfailing grace, carrying us through every season of life.

Prayer of Confidence

Father, I trust You, for You have never failed. Your Word is my anchor, steadying my heart in every trial. Thank You for the grace You have already provided, for the faith You are growing in me, and for the assurance that all I commit to You is secure in Your hands. I walk forward in confidence, knowing that You are able to do all that You have promised. Amen.

📖 Insights from "Day by Day by Grace."
📷 Photo credit: Unsplash


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