Is He Really Lord?

The joy is not in striving but in walking the path He has already prepared.

Oswald Chambers reminds us that true joy is found not in personal achievement but in fulfilling the purpose for which we were created and regenerated in Christ. The joy Jesus experienced on earth was rooted in doing the Father’s will, and He has now sent us to live the same way.

Each believer has a unique ministry received from the Lord, not something chosen based on personal preferences or the needs around them. Ministry is not simply responding to urgent demands but remaining faithful to what God has entrusted us with. This requires a deep, personal companionship with Christ—knowing Him not just as Savior, but as Lord.

Chambers warns against being distracted by the countless opportunities for service. Instead, the true call is loyalty to the ministry we received in intimate communion with Jesus. The need around us is not necessarily the call—the call is to remain faithful to what He has assigned to us. The fulfillment of our calling is not measured by how much we do, but by our faithfulness to what we discerned when we were closest to Him.

Jesus’ question to Peter—"Do you love Me?"—precedes His command: "Feed My sheep." Love for Him is the sole qualification for service, and faithfulness to His commission is the true measure of success.

Personalized Journal Entry

Lord Jesus, You have called me into a life that is not my own, yet is completely and beautifully mine in You. I rest in the joy that my course has already been set—not by my ambitions, not by the demands of others, but by Your hand. You are not asking me to chase after every opportunity or to measure success by numbers or impact. You are asking for something far simpler, yet far greater—absolute loyalty to You.

I see how easy it is to be pulled in many directions, how the world and even well-meaning Christians define success by accomplishments and productivity. But You have reminded me that joy is not found in doing, but in being—being in communion with You, being where You have placed me, being faithful to the ministry You entrusted to me in the quiet moments when I was nearest to Your heart.

There are so many good things I could do, but I do not need to answer every call—I need only answer Yours. I think back to when You made this real to me, how I once believed I had to strive to serve You, yet You gently showed me that Youare the One who lives through me. There is no striving in yielding. There is no exhaustion in trusting. There is no pressure in obedience when the burden is Yours to carry.

So, I yield. I trust. I walk in step with You, not running ahead, not lagging behind. And that is enough. It is more than enough—it is joy.

Prayer of Confidence

Father, You have given me everything I need in Christ. The course is already set, the path is already prepared, and I rest in knowing that I am simply walking out what You have designed. Thank You for making my calling clear in those moments of closeness with You. Thank You that I do not need to chase after every opportunity, but only remain faithful to the one You have given me. I trust You to guide me, to direct my steps, and to accomplish through me all that You have planned. Your burden is easy, Your yoke is light, and I joyfully walk in what You have called me to do. Amen.

Devotional insights from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.
Photo credit: Unsplash

Image: A winding forest path bathed in morning light, symbolizing a course already set before us, inviting us to walk in it.


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