The Lord Fights for His People

📖 Nightly Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 32
📖 Insights from the Grace and Truth Study Bible
📷 Photo Credit: Unsplash

After all of Hezekiah’s acts of faith, the Assyrian king Sennacherib laid siege to Judah with a mighty army. This was not a judgment from God, but an opportunity for Him to display His power and deliver His people. In the face of overwhelming opposition, Hezekiah exhorted the people to be strong and courageous, assuring them that the Lord would fight for them (vv. 7–8).

When confronted with an enemy that vastly outnumbered them, Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah prayed—and God responded in a way that left no doubt as to who was truly in control. He sent an angel who struck down the Assyrian warriors, securing victory before the battle even began. Judah was not delivered by strategy, wealth, or military might, but by simple trust in the One who never fails.

The Chronicler emphasizes Hezekiah’s faith, encouraging the readers to trust God even when their faith wavers. Much like the author of Hebrews, who highlights the triumphs of faith while omitting failures (Hebrews 11), the focus is on the certainty of God’s faithfulness rather than human frailty.

Later, Hezekiah stumbled in pride, but when he humbled himself, the Lord turned away His wrath (vv. 24–26). We, too, falter at times—wavering in faith, leaning on our own understanding, or allowing pride to creep in. Yet, our hope does not rest in our own strength or consistency but in the perfect humility of Christ, our King, who intercedes for us and cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:9—2:2; Philippians 2:5–8).


  1. When have you faced a situation where trusting in God seemed impossible? How did He reveal His faithfulness?

  2. How does knowing that God fights for His people encourage you to trust Him today?

  3. In what ways do you need to humble yourself before the Lord, recognizing that victory comes from Him alone?

A Prayer of Confidence

Father, we rejoice in the certainty of Your faithfulness. You are the One who fights for us, who secures victory, and who upholds us even when our faith wavers. We rest in the finished work of Christ, knowing that He stands as our intercessor, our deliverer, and our King. Our confidence is in You alone, and we walk forward in that assurance. Amen.

No battle is too great when the Lord Himself fights for you. Stand firm. Trust Him. The victory is already won.


When God Grants Our Requests: Lessons from Hezekiah’s Extended Life


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