Carried Away in Love

📖 She hath wrought a good work on Me. — Mark 14:6

Oswald Chambers challenges us with the question: Have you ever been carried away for Him? True love does not calculate its worth or measure its usefulness—it simply gives. Mary of Bethany's act of pouring out costly perfume upon Jesus was not done for recognition or as an act of duty. It was a lavish, unrestrained display of love. Jesus received it as a good work—not because of its usefulness, but because of its value to Him.

So often, we evaluate our actions by their impact—whether they are helpful, productive, or even necessary. Yet, Chambers reminds us that our greatest offering is not measured in results but in our heart's abandonment to Christ. Have we been so taken by love for Him that we act without hesitation, without overanalyzing, without concern for anything other than devotion?

A musician does not play a melody merely to be heard but because the music within must be expressed. In the same way, when our hearts are fully captivated by Christ, our lives become a song of love poured out in ways both seen and unseen—simple acts of kindness, unnoticed sacrifices, whispered words of praise. These are not deeds done to prove our holiness but tokens of devotion that delight the heart of God.

Holiness, apart from love, can become self-focused, cautious, and fearful of missteps. But love, pure and abandoned, casts aside such concerns and simply responds to the Lord with open hands and a willing heart. He is not watching to see how useful we are—He is looking for those who have been carried away in love for Him.

Prayer of Trust

Father, You have poured Your love into our hearts, and we overflow with gratitude. Thank You for receiving even our simplest expressions of devotion as precious in Your sight. You have made us vessels of Your presence, and as we abide in You, love flows freely—unhindered, unmeasured, uncalculated. Our hearts belong to You completely, and in that love, we find the freedom to simply be Yours.

📸 Photo Credit: Unsplash
✍️ Devotional Credit: Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest


A New Heart and a New Spirit


One Standard—Christ: A Deeper Study