Avoiding Self-Will: Surrender to Christ

The story of Saul on the road to Damascus is a striking reminder of how self-will can blind us to the harm it causes. Saul believed he was serving God, yet in his zeal, he was persecuting Jesus Himself. Acts 26:14 reveals the piercing question that changed everything: “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?” This question goes beyond Saul—it challenges us to examine our own hearts.

Whenever we insist on our way, defend our rights, or pursue ambitions apart from God’s leading, we risk grieving the Spirit of Christ within us. Even good intentions, if driven by self-will, can oppose His purposes. Oswald Chambers reminds us that the Spirit of Jesus is marked by meekness, humility, and a deep oneness with the Father. To live in harmony with Him, we must let go of obstinacy and self-determination.

Consider the metaphor of a tightly clenched fist. As long as it remains closed, it cannot receive anything. But when it opens, it becomes free to hold what is given. Our self-will is like that clenched fist—it shuts us off from the fullness of life in Christ. When we yield our will to Him, we find the freedom and joy of oneness with His Spirit.

True surrender means laying down our rights, ambitions, and pride, trusting that Christ’s way is infinitely better than our own. It is not about striving to be godly through self-effort but about resting in His sufficiency. When we submit in humility, we not only experience His peace but also ensure that our lives reflect His character, preventing any inadvertent persecution of His Spirit.

Reflection and Application

  1. Examine your will: Are there areas where you are clinging to your own way, even in matters of faith? Surrender them to Christ.

  2. Seek meekness: Reflect on Christ’s words, “Learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart” (Matthew 11:29). Consider how you can embody His meekness in your interactions with others.

  3. Live from oneness: Let every decision, word, and action flow from a deep unity with Christ, rather than a self-willed determination to be godly.

Prayer of Trust
Lord, we thank You for the perfect example of meekness and humility in Jesus Christ. We praise You for the sufficiency of Your Spirit within us, uniting us with the Father and guiding us in all things. We trust You to align our will with Yours, yielding every part of our lives to Your loving authority. May our hearts remain open, free from self-will, so that Your Spirit shines through us in all we do. Amen.

Final Thought
Self-will is a subtle but dangerous snare. True freedom comes as we open our hearts to Christ’s Spirit, embracing meekness and unity with Him. Let us walk humbly, so that our lives glorify Him and never grieve His Spirit.

(Credit: Insights drawn from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. Photo credit: Unsplash.)


Reflecting Christ in Difficult Situations


Growing in Grace