Arise in His Life
📖 “Arise from the dead.” — Ephesians 5:14
Oswald Chambers makes a striking distinction between human initiative and spiritual initiative. Human initiative is self-driven—forcing oneself forward through sheer determination. But spiritual initiative is different; it is a response to the divine prompting of God, a call to step forward in faith and discover that His life is already at work within us.
We often start out with great aspirations, desiring to live in full surrender to Christ. Yet, as time passes, we may find ourselves unable to bring these visions to life. Our efforts falter, and we resign ourselves to spiritual inactivity, assuming that what once burned in our hearts has been extinguished. But God does not see it that way. He calls us to arise. His voice breaks through our resignation: "Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." (Ephesians 5:14, NIV)
What makes this command remarkable is that God does not force the change upon us; He calls us to step forward. When Jesus told the man with the withered hand to stretch it out, the healing came as he obeyed (Mark 3:5). The power was already available, but the act of responding activated what had been given. Likewise, we do not passively wait for some external force to lift us up. Christ in us is already the life, the power, the ability. When He speaks, we respond, and in that response, His life manifests.
Think of a dormant seed beneath the soil. It carries within it everything necessary for growth, yet it remains still until warmth and light call it forth. In the same way, when God stirs us, we move—not to generate life, but to step into the life He has already provided.
Reflection Questions
Have you ever hesitated to act on God’s leading because you were waiting for more strength or clarity? How does today’s devotional shift your perspective?
Where might God be calling you to "arise" in faith today?
How can you recognize the difference between striving in human effort and responding to God’s spiritual initiative?
Prayer of Confidence
Father, we rejoice in the life You have already given us in Christ. You do not leave us powerless, nor do You ask us to manufacture what You have already provided. When You call us to arise, we trust that the very call carries the power to act. Thank You for making us alive with Christ and for leading us into the fullness of what You have prepared. Today, we step forward—not in our own strength, but in response to Your life at work within us. Amen.
đź“· Photo Credit: Unsplash
đź“– Devotional Source: My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers