Are You Exhausted Spiritually?

A Reflection on Oswald Chambers' Devotional from My Utmost for His Highest

“The everlasting God… fainteth not, neither is weary.” — Isaiah 40:28

There is a kind of exhaustion that refreshes the soul—a weariness that draws directly from the endless sufficiency of Christ. It is not the kind of depletion that comes from striving in the flesh, but the pouring out of a life yielded to His indwelling presence. When Christ called Peter to “feed My sheep,” He did not hand him resources or instructions on how to sustain himself. Instead, He gave Peter Himself—the Living Bread—and expected Peter to rely fully on Him.

Many begin their service with great zeal, only to find themselves drained because they unknowingly serve from their own strength. The moment we shift from Christ as our source to our own effort, exhaustion becomes unbearable. But when we abide in Him, even when we are poured out like a drink offering, we are replenished by the One who never faints or grows weary.

The key is not avoiding exhaustion but abiding in the eternal supply. If we are weary today, it is an invitation to return to the fountain of living water. There is no need to manufacture energy or strive for renewal—it is already ours in Christ. He is the source that never runs dry, and in Him, we find the strength to continue, not from ourselves, but from the One who lives through us.

A Picture to Consider

A candle does not burn out because it is used, but because it is disconnected from its source of wax. As long as the wick draws from the supply, the flame continues. In the same way, we do not wear out because we give—we wear out when we attempt to give apart from abiding in Christ.

Reflection Questions

  • Am I serving out of my own energy or drawing upon Christ’s endless supply?

  • Have I mistaken self-effort for true dependence on Him?

  • How does Isaiah 40:28 encourage me to rest in God's sufficiency today?

A Prayer of Confidence in Christ

Father, You are the everlasting God, the One who never grows weary. You are my strength, my sufficiency, and my life. In every moment of pouring out, I rejoice in the unending supply You have already given me in Christ. I am not depleted, for You are my source. I walk forward today, not in my own power, but in the energy of Your indwelling Spirit, knowing that You sustain all who abide in You. Thank You for being my never-failing supply. Amen.

📖 Insights from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers
📷 Photo credit: Unsplash


Insufficient and All-Sufficient


Living by Faith: A Life Rooted in Trust