Alice’s Journey to Restful Trust

Alice sat in the old wooden pew of her church, hands clasped tightly in prayer. The sanctuary was quiet, save for the occasional creak of a shifting floorboard. She had spent years coming here, laying her burdens before God, but for the longest time, her prayers were full of desperate pleading.

"Lord, please fix this."
"Please take this struggle away."
"Why aren’t You answering?"

Her prayers felt like a battle—one she was losing. No matter how hard she prayed, her life remained full of trials. The fear never truly left, and neither did the exhausting sense that she had to convince God to act on her behalf.

A Life of Worry and Pleading

Alice had always been a fixer. As a single mother raising two boys, she carried the weight of their future on her shoulders. Every dollar spent was calculated, every decision measured. She was their provider, their protector, their support system. If she didn’t hold everything together, who would?

Even after her boys grew up and started families of their own, Alice found herself carrying the same burdens in her heart. When her younger son lost his job, she spent nights pleading with God to give him work. When her older son’s marriage grew strained, she prayed desperately, as if she alone could hold them together through sheer determination.

She prayed, but she did not rest.

And then, something happened that changed everything.

The Night of Surrender

It was a cold February evening when Alice received the call. Her best friend, Margaret, was in the hospital. The doctors had found something—a mass they feared was cancer. Alice’s heart dropped. Margaret had been her anchor, the one who always reminded her to trust the Lord. Now, she was the one in need.

That night, Alice knelt beside her bed, but for the first time in years, her prayer was different. She wasn’t praying for herself. She wasn’t pleading for her own circumstances to change.

"Father, Margaret is Yours. I trust You with her life. I trust You with her journey. Let her rest in Your love, and let me be a comfort to her."

There was no desperation in her voice, no frantic bargaining. Just a quiet confidence.

And then, something unexpected happened—peace. A peace she had never experienced before.

She realized she wasn’t holding the weight of Margaret’s future. God was. And if He was faithful with Margaret, He had been faithful with her all along.

The Shift in Her Prayers

From that night forward, Alice’s prayers changed.

She stopped pleading for herself.

She no longer begged for God to intervene as if He were reluctant.

Instead, she trusted that He was already working, already providing, already caring.

Her prayers became outward-focused, full of gratitude and confidence. She prayed for others—not because she was avoiding her own struggles, but because she finally understood that her own life was safe in His hands.

When her younger son called, panicked about finances, she didn’t rush into pleading with God for a job. Instead, she simply prayed, “Lord, I trust You to guide him. Thank You for being his provider. Give him wisdom and peace.”

When her older son’s marriage hit another rough patch, she no longer spent nights bargaining with God for their healing. Instead, she prayed, “Father, You love them more than I ever could. I trust You to work in their hearts. Let them see You.”

And when Margaret’s health declined, Alice sat by her bedside, holding her hand, whispering quiet prayers of thanksgiving for the friendship they had shared.

Margaret looked at her one evening and smiled weakly. “You used to pray like you were drowning,” she said. “Now, you pray like you’re floating.”

Alice squeezed her hand. “That’s because I finally stopped trying to carry what wasn’t mine.”

A Life of Restful Trust

Alice never stopped praying. But the anxiety, the exhaustion, the desperate grasping—it was gone.

She had finally learned that God wasn’t waiting to be convinced. He wasn’t withholding. He wasn’t unaware. He had already provided everything she and her loved ones needed.

And so, she prayed with peace. She prayed with trust.

She prayed for others instead of pleading for herself—because she finally knew, without a doubt, that her life was already held in the hands of the One who never lets go.


The Servant’s Willingness


The Rest We Were Meant to Have