Abiding in Christ: A Life of Faith

📖 “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him.” — Colossians 2:6

There was a moment when we first came to Christ—empty, helpless, and utterly dependent. We received Him by faith, knowing we had nothing to offer, no strength of our own, and no power to save ourselves. That same faith is not only the beginning but the very essence of the Christian life. The way in is the way on.

Yet, many sincere believers, rejoicing in the truth that they were justified by faith, turn to self-effort for their daily walk. They strive, plan, and labor, assuming that now the Christian life depends on their diligence. But Scripture reveals a greater reality: “The just shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17).

Jesus did not merely save us and then leave us to figure out how to live. He remains our very life (Colossians 3:4), just as much today as the day we first believed. He abides in us, and we abide in Him (John 15:5). Our daily experience of His life is not about mustering up effort, but about moment-by-moment reliance—receiving from Him, drawing from Him, and trusting Him to live His life in us.

Think of a musician playing a harp. The strings produce sound only as they remain in contact with the musician’s hand. The moment they are left untouched, they fall silent. So it is with us—our lives resonate with the beauty of Christ only as we remain yielded to Him, allowing Him to express His life through us.

Faith is not merely for salvation; it is the ongoing posture of the heart. We cease striving and rest in the One who is all-sufficient. Today, as we walk forward, let it be with the same reliance with which we first received Him. The Christian life is not our effort for Him, but His life in us.

Prayer of Confidence

Father, I thank You that just as I received Christ by faith, I now walk in Him the same way. You have given me all that I need for life and godliness. I reject self-effort and rest in the fullness of Christ within me. Thank You that it is not my striving but Your indwelling life that bears fruit to Your glory. Today, I trust You to live through me, as I abide in You. Amen.

📸 Photo credit: Unsplash
📖 Devotional insights from Abide Above


The Delight of Sacrifice


Turning Away or Turning to the Lord?