A Satisfying Portion: Resting in God’s Love
“God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever." — Psalm 73:26
When all else in life fails, we discover the truth: God Himself is enough. His unfailing love satisfies the deepest longings of our hearts—a love that is steadfast, abundant, and perfectly ours in Christ. Yet how often we search for fulfillment in lesser things, only to find they cannot satisfy.
Picture a traveler in the desert, parched and desperate for water. They stumble across mirages, illusions that offer the promise of refreshment but vanish as they draw near. Finally, they arrive at a spring of pure, living water—life-giving, inexhaustible, and free. This spring represents the love of God. While the world offers false promises, His love alone refreshes and sustains us.
As the devotional from Abide Above reminds us, reaching this spring of divine love often requires a journey. Along the way, we may need to recognize the futility of seeking satisfaction in the "mirages" of self and the world. But when we arrive at the truth of His love, we find it is more than enough to sustain and satisfy us.
The Reality of Divine Love
God’s love is inexhaustible and freely given. He held nothing back, offering His Son for us. This act of grace silences doubt and assures us that His love is unwavering, even when we feel unworthy.
When we drink deeply from this love, we realize that nothing else compares. God becomes our portion, the spring that refreshes our souls, and the anchor that holds us steady. No longer do we wander in search of fleeting satisfaction—we find in Him everything we truly need.
A Prayer of Confidence in His Love
Thank You for being the spring of living water that refreshes our souls. Your love is unending, unwavering, and already poured out for us in Christ. We rest in the truth that You have given us all we need for life and godliness. Draw our hearts deeper into Your love, that we may live with gratitude and joy, fully satisfied in You. Amen.
Final Thought
God’s love is the spring that never runs dry. When we rest in Him, we are truly refreshed and satisfied. Let us drink deeply from His love today, knowing it will never fail.