A New Creation in Christ

The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:1–21
Grace and Truth Study Bible Summary & Insights

Paul refuses to lose heart because his confidence is not in the temporary but in the eternal. He knows his present body is like a tent—temporary and fragile—but he eagerly awaits the glorified body that is to come. Though we groan in our present state, our hope is not merely for a disembodied existence but for the full restoration God has planned: resurrection and renewal in His presence. This assurance fuels Paul’s courage, which is not occasional but constant. Whether in life or death, Paul’s aim remains unchanged—to please the Lord. He is fearless before men because he understands the judgment of God, which leads him to persuade others with urgency and love.

Paul’s confidence rests not only in his future resurrection but also in his present reality—he is a new creation in Christ. The old has passed away, and the new has come. This transformation changes his entire perspective. No longer does he see Christ or others through a worldly lens. He now lives as an ambassador, entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation, calling others to be reconciled to God. The foundation of this reconciliation is Christ’s substitutionary work: He became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. This divine exchange is the heart of the gospel, and it compels Paul’s life and mission.

Personal Journal Entry

Father, I marvel at what You have done. You have not simply improved me or rehabilitated me; You have made me new. The old man—the one burdened with self-effort, fear, and striving—is gone. In Christ, I stand in Your righteousness, no longer defining myself by the past but by the life You have given me.

I see, Lord, that my courage is not in my ability to endure but in the unshakable reality of who I am in Christ. Whether I live or die, whether I face ease or trial, I am Yours. And being Yours, I live with purpose—to be an expression of Christ, to reflect Your heart, to extend the reconciliation You have freely given.

This world clings to the temporary, calling its tents permanent and fearing their collapse. But I do not live for what is passing away. My home, my true dwelling, is in You. Every groan I experience in this life is not despair but anticipation—like the deep breath before stepping into something glorious. And while I wait, I do not lose heart. I am of good courage, because my aim is not to please men or chase fleeting comforts, but to live as an ambassador of Your love, making known the reconciliation You have already secured.

You have entrusted me with a message, and I will not shrink back. The world may misunderstand; some may think me foolish. But I do not answer to them. I answer to You. And I know this: Christ died and rose so that I would no longer live for myself but for Him. That is my joy. That is my calling. That is my life.

Prayer of Confidence

Father, thank You that in Christ, I am a new creation. The old is gone, the new has come, and nothing can undo what You have accomplished. I stand in the righteousness of Christ, fully accepted, fully Yours. I rest in the eternal home You have prepared, knowing that even now, I live in the reality of resurrection life. Every breath I take is an opportunity to reflect You, and I trust You to live Your life through me in each moment. You have called me to be an ambassador of reconciliation, and I embrace this calling with joy. May my life be a testimony to Your love, a declaration that in Christ, all things are made new. Amen.


  • Insights from the Grace and Truth Study Bible

  • Image credit: Unsplash


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