A Better Hope
“For on the one hand there is an annulling of the former commandment because of its weakness and unprofitableness, for the law made nothing perfect; on the other hand, there is the bringing in of a better hope, through which we draw near to God.” (Hebrews 7:18-19)
(Credit: Day by Day by Grace)
God’s law is holy and reveals His perfect standard, yet it carries a strategic inability: it demands perfection without providing the resources to achieve it. This inherent weakness does not reflect a flaw in God’s design but points to His greater purpose for the law.
Imagine a ladder with missing rungs—it shows the height we must climb but offers no way to ascend. The law, like that ladder, demonstrates God’s standard while exposing humanity’s inability to reach it on our own. Its purpose is to highlight our need for a "better hope."
The law cannot justify us—it cannot erase the guilt of sin and declare us righteous before God. Nor can it sanctify us—it cannot transform us into the image of Christ or empower us to walk in godliness. These vital blessings come only through God’s grace.
Through the "better hope," God draws us near to Himself. His grace secures our standing before Him, declaring us righteous through Christ’s finished work. His grace also empowers our daily walk, transforming us into Christ’s likeness as we trust and yield to Him.
This “better hope” is not based on our performance or efforts but on the sufficiency of Jesus Christ. In Him, we find both justification and sanctification, enabling us to live in intimate fellowship with God.
Reflection Questions:
Are you relying on your performance to approach God, or are you resting in His grace?
How does recognizing the law’s inability deepen your gratitude for God’s grace?
In what ways can you embrace God’s “better hope” in your daily walk with Him?
A Prayer of Gratitude
Father, we praise You for the gift of Your grace, the better hope that draws us near to You. Thank You for justifying us through Christ and transforming us daily into His image. We choose to rest in Your sufficiency, trusting not in our efforts but in the finished work of Your Son. May we live in the joy of intimate fellowship with You, empowered by Your grace. Amen.
Final Thought
The law reveals what God desires, but grace provides what we need. Through His better hope, we are justified, sanctified, and drawn into the glorious presence of our loving Father.