The Good Shepherd’s Life and Love
Inspired by Ray Stedman’s "Immeasurably More"
"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep... I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me — just as the Father knows me and I know the Father — and I lay down my life for the sheep."
— John 10:11, 14-15
The beauty of the Good Shepherd lies in His unwavering commitment to His sheep. Jesus doesn’t love from a distance or abandon the flock when trouble approaches. Instead, He steps into danger on behalf of His sheep, laying down His life so that they may live. His love is not only sacrificial but also deeply personal. The Good Shepherd knows His sheep individually, calls them by name, and leads them with care.
What makes this relationship even more astounding is the intimacy Jesus invites us into—a fellowship that mirrors the bond between Him and the Father. Just as the Father knows the Son and the Son knows the Father, we are known and loved in the same way. Through His sacrifice, Jesus opens the door to a life of security, belonging, and purpose.
A Picture of the Good Shepherd and His Flock
Picture a shepherd in the hills, calling his sheep by name. Some sheep stay close, contentedly grazing near him. Others wander toward danger, unaware of the lurking wolves. The shepherd, attentive to each one, leaves the safety of the flock to rescue the wandering sheep. With tenderness, he brings it back, carrying it on his shoulders, ensuring it is safe.
This is Jesus, the Good Shepherd. He doesn’t just protect the flock as a whole; He notices each one of us. He knows when we stray, rescues us with His love, and leads us back to the safety of His care.
The Fellowship of His Life
Jesus’ sacrifice does more than shield us from danger. It invites us into a rich relationship with Him. His love is not transactional or distant but deeply relational. He gave His life so that we might not only be saved but also share in the joy of knowing Him intimately.
Ray Stedman highlights this truth: “I know my own and my own know me, as the Father knows me and I know the Father.” The depth of fellowship we have with Jesus is anchored in His love and made possible by His sacrificial death.
A Prayer of Trust
Good Shepherd,
Thank You for laying down Your life for us, Your sheep. You know us by name and lead us with care. Your love brings us into the richness of fellowship with You and the Father. We rest in the assurance of Your presence and provision, trusting You to guide us through every path You have set before us. Thank You for the life You have given and the intimacy we now share with You. Amen.
Final Thought
As the Good Shepherd, Jesus does not merely protect the flock—He transforms the lives of His sheep through His love. His care is personal, His sacrifice unmatched, and His invitation to intimacy abundant. May we walk closely with Him, hearing His voice and following wherever He leads. In Him, we are safe, secure, and eternally loved.