The Cure to Fear

📖 Say to Hezekiah king of Judah: Do not let the god you depend on deceive you when he says, Jerusalem will not be given into the hands of the king of Assyria. Surely you have heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all the countries, destroying them completely. And will you be delivered? — Isaiah 37:10-11

Fear is a cruel master, whispering threats about what could happen, leaving us restless and anxious. This was precisely the strategy of the Assyrian king, sending a letter meant to shake Hezekiah’s trust in God. The message painted a grim future—one where Judah would fall just as countless other nations had. The temptation to tremble, to strategize in human wisdom, or to surrender to despair must have been immense. But Hezekiah chose a different response.

Instead of letting fear dictate his steps, he spread the letter before the Lord (Isaiah 37:14). He didn’t deny the danger or pretend it wasn’t real. He acknowledged the power of Assyria but fixed his confidence on an even greater truth: The Lord alone reigns over all the kingdoms of the earth. The gods of other nations had failed because they were lifeless, powerless creations of man. Hezekiah knew that the living God was incomparable, and so he placed his trust in Him.

Faith Over Fear

Fear thrives when we carry burdens we were never meant to bear. It magnifies the threats of the enemy while minimizing the presence of the Lord. But faith shifts our focus. Instead of clutching our anxieties, we release them into the hands of the One who already reigns victorious.

Imagine a traveler on a stormy night, caught in heavy rain, burdened by a sack of valuables. He stumbles upon a shelter, a sturdy refuge built to withstand the storm. He has two choices: continue struggling under the weight of his burden, or place it inside the shelter and rest. Faith is not denying the storm; it is choosing to entrust our burdens to the One who stands unmoved by it.

This is what Hezekiah did—he took the troubling letter and laid it before the Lord. He did not try to bear it alone. He did not devise a backup plan. He entrusted it into the hands of the Sovereign One and left it there.

Living Free from Fear

Christ has freed us from the tyranny of fear. He has given us His Spirit—not one of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). We are not at the mercy of circumstances, nor do we need to listen to the voice of anxiety that tells us disaster is inevitable. When we rest in Christ’s sufficiency, fear loses its grip.

If you are facing a threat today—whether in your health, finances, relationships, or faith—remember Hezekiah’s example. Do not wrestle with fear in your own strength. Take your burden, lay it before the Lord, and trust in the One who has already secured your victory.

Prayer of Trust

Father, You alone are God over all the earth, and nothing stands beyond Your rule. Every threat, every fear, every anxious thought is known to You. Today, I rest in the truth that You have already given me everything I need for life and godliness. You have not left me defenseless but have surrounded me with Your love, power, and wisdom. I entrust every concern into Your hands, knowing that You reign, and Your purposes will stand. My heart is at peace because You are my refuge, my strength, and my salvation. Thank You for Your faithfulness, now and always. Amen.

📸 Photo credit: Unsplash
📖 Devotional source: Immeasurably More


No Fears, Just Faith: Living in the Freedom of Christ


The Memorial of Prayer